Keeping in Touch

I recently wrote to a missionary in Spain, John Beck, to let them know we were praying for them. Shortly afterward we were put in contact with a Brazilian man who was won to Christ, baptized and discipled in Spain. He is now in Brazil praying about starting a church in his city. He is only about eight hours away from us and a little more than four hours away from some other missionaries who may be able to help him. For this part of the country, that is really not that far away.

2. Years ago I had met a missionary family to Japan, Ralph and Janet Burchell. Recently I decided to write them and let them know we were praying for them. Shortly afterward, we were able to make a connection and get a Japanese translation of the Gospel on our website.

3. A pastor friend of mine gave me a prayer card for a Brazilian missionary to India, online casino Jefferson Quevedo Soares. I was very interested in this man because few Brazilian missionaries ever make it out of the country. Most are missionaries within Brazil”s borders. After recently making contact with him, he told me he has relatives that live here in the state of Rondônia. His brother contacted me today and told us that he knows someone living near our city looking for a good Baptist church. Praise the Lord! We are making contacts by means of India!
Please pray for missionaries
let them know you are praying for them!
“Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ”s sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me.” Romans 15:30
— Jeremy