Monthly Archives: May 2013

A Training Center for Indian Tribes

Our First Contact with New Tribes

Since around September or October of 2012, we have had close contact with another missionary family in the city of Ji-Paraná about 30 miles from us. These missionaries are Sam and Annessa Rogers. They were on furlough when we arrived in Rondônia and did not return until closer to the end of 2012.

Bro. Sam is a go getter and soon after getting back wanted to conduct a vacation Bible school. It was while taking our children to VBS at their place that we met Wellington, a New Tribes missionary. We spoke briefly about their work, but knew we would be in contact again in the near future.

Shortly after this, Wellington’s wife Juliana gave birth to their second baby girl. Being in town not long after that, I had a chance to visit with them in their home for a few hours. We had a great time learning and finding out more about their work and where the Lord had called them.

I also met another New Tribes missionary while we were at their house. Though I did not remember this, I had previously been in contact with this missionary, Adilton. We had communicated by email nearly two years before this encounter.

Because of their knowledge about the Indian tribes and my curiosity and desire to learn more about them, we began conversations of how we could get more involved and visit some of these tribes. Adilton told us about a training center for Indian tribes that had just started in our state. He volunteered to take us to the training center when road conditions were better.

Friendships From the Lord

Being right in the middle of the rainy season, we put off our trip until after the rains would slow down quite a bit. We also had plans for traveling set up in June and my parents began talking about a visit in May. So, about the best time we found to go was right around the middle of May before my parents arrived. The date was set and we were excited about the trip.

The training center was in the city of Pimenta Bueno. This city has hit our radar several times as we have taken an interest in different cities around the state. It is a city of about 30,000 people. A few months ago I wrote about getting in contact with a missionary family in India who’s family members lived in our state. They were from this city.

We also learned through this family that there is a good Baptist church in that city. It is a Regular Baptist Church whose pastor was acquainted with many of the pastors and missionaries that we know. He was raised in the state of Amazonas, but recently came to Rondônia to pastor this church. His name is Pr. Dino. Since we had never met personally, we decided that it would be good to meet this pastor on our trip to the training center.

The Training Center

Now, let me try to connect all of these pieces for you! When the trip finally came, I drove down to Ji-Paraná and picked up Sam Rogers and the two New Tribes missionaries, Adilton and Wellington. We then drove the four hours to Pimenta Bueno. This trip under good road conditions would have taken about two and a half hours. Due to more holes than pavement and sometimes no pavement at all, delays were expected.

May 2013 Pimenta Bueno

Our first stop was Pr. Dino’s small house behind the church. We went in and had a little breakfast snack before heading over to the training center. Pastor Dino though living in the same city had never heard about the training center and did not even know it existed. He was eager to go with us for a visit.

May 2013 Pimenta Bueno

Immediately upon our arrival to the training center we met Pr. Mario. He and his wife live there and direct the ministry. I guess you could imagine it something like a year-round camp.

At the present, there are around 35 Indians living there. They come from several different places around the area and represent eight or nine different ethnic groups. Most of these are from 16-30 years old. Among this group there are two married couples.

This training center is set up for one main reason, but kills several birds at one time. The main purpose of the center is to train the Indians to become evangelists to their own people. It is a simplified Bible institute for the indigenous people.

Each morning these students sit in Bible classes and practical classes in which they learn how to share the Gospel with other people. They are taught how to draw their own stories in order to illustrate Bible truths to people who have no Bibles and in some cases, no written language at all.

May 2013 Pimenta Bueno

In the afternoons all the students are put to work. The men work on construction of dormitory buildings, gardening, and are also taught a variety of other skills that will be very useful to them in the future. The ladies are taught how to cook and also take care of cleaning all the buildings and houses.

May 2013 Pimenta Bueno

At night all of these students study in the public schools to increase their knowledge of Portuguese, Math, Science and other such subjects.

Transportation is very difficult, but the leadership is trying to get these students into different churches around the area for ministry on the weekends. They want them to get hands on training before they are sent back to their tribes.

Keeping in mind who these people are and the need to get the Gospel back into the tribes, the goal is to do what you can while you have them. Most of these students do not even have an elementary education. Therefore, this is only a two year program that attempts to give them a high school level Bible teaching enough to help them return to their tribes and share the good news of the Gospel.

One of the most interesting things to me was meeting a young man who calls himself “Phillip”. He comes from very far away. As a matter of fact, he is the one that came from the furthest distance. Yet, he knew other Indians that I have met before. I have met some of his relatives and also some of his friends. He knows other missionary friends of ours also.

It is amazing that even being hundreds of miles away from home in a place where no one speaks your native tongue, you can meet people that know your family. God is doing a work in this young man’s life. Though his family is somewhat against him, he knows that God has a great purpose for him. Since he has arrived at the training center, he has been notified that he would be next in line to be tribal chief and needs to return to help his family. However, he knows the Lord wants him to be trained and wishes to learn more before he goes back to his tribe.

Please pray for these students! This is one of the dreams I had before coming to Brazil – training the Indians to send them back to their own people to share the Gospel. God is at work answering prayers! Though these people may not be exactly like us in every way, we are able to encourage and help them in some ways. Who knows what the Lord may do through this.

To see more pictures CLICK HERE


Taking Time to Reach the World

It is true, we cannot be in more than one place at a time. However, reaching the world has actually become easier. It is amazing how many people you can communicate with all over the world even if you do not speak their language.

In previous posts we have written about places we are reaching around the world. We have also written about our connection with other missionaries and how praying for them has turned into a blessing to us. It is amazing what God can do when he wants to.

After developing a Gospel Facebook page for Haitian Creole, we have also invested some time into a French page. Credit must be given to Benji and Kerri Dryden for their hard work on the Creole page. On the French side of things we have the help of Stephen and Julie Knickerbocker.

It is exciting to see what God is doing as we reach out with the Gospel. There is no telling what person may receive the Gospel and what they will do with it. Here is a small map from Google with stars in locations that we have communicated with people over the past two months or so. Of course, this is not 100% accurate, but at least will give you an idea of what is going on.

Though we would like to expand what we are doing, we must not get to the point where we cannot keep up with what is going on. Once a week, I take the time to design an image with a verse on it in several different languages.

Just in English, there are many people all over the world that we can communicate with. It is amazing when you begin to study statistics that just sitting at home you could reach hundreds of thousands of people all over the world that speak your language.

Recently I spent about an hour chatting with a Nigerian missionary who is reaching a different section of Africa with the Gospel. His home church sent out 4 missionaries to this particular spot. We met online. Noone introduced us. This is not a friend of a friend, but someone that I crossed paths with simply by reaching out to a specific part of the world. Most likely, I will never meet him in person, but through him I am more aware of a specific people group in Africa that needs the Gospel.

India has also been a concentration for me in the past few months. What more can be done in that country? A friend of mine there said that in a gathering of around 12 people, 11 of them had different mother tongues. All of them spoke more than one language and many of them spoke at least three languages. The common language used among this group was English.

Next week, we will visit a Bible school that houses people from at least 7 different indian ethnic groups here in Brazil. Each of these speak a different language? How can they be helped? Obviously someone is working with them, but what more can be done. How can these people be encouraged to reach other more remote indian tribes?

Please pray for us! However, do not stop at praying for missionaries. Ask the Lord what you can do to help. What talents do you have? How can those talents be used to reach the world? Will you take the time to reach out?

“These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also.” Acts 17:6

Have these men come to your area of the world? Will you be one of these in another area of the world?

— Jeremy