Monthly Archives: January 2015

New Year 2015!

Happy New Year!

We would like to start off this new year introducing you to our new family website ( We wanted to have this website ready before our furlough. It is a simple website with the goal to keep you more up-to-date with our ministry.

Please take a look around and let us know what you think. We will be updating the blog with events and prayer requests as we are able.

We will no longer be using the website Please refer to this website from now on for any updates from our family. You can get updates through RSS feed or keep up with the posts on Facebook.

Every page can be easily accessed through the menu, but here are a few of the new pages you might enjoy…

Pages for each family member

Ministry websites

Information Pages

* Please note that we will be using this domain for our email also. You can use any of our first names to reach us.